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It Takes a Village to Launch a Writer

May 7, 2010

For me, writing is a new business venture.  Everything I’ve read about being a successful author today stresses the fact that your real work begins when you finish writing your book. This is counterintuitive to the age old image of writers as quiet, thoughtful, introverted people whose gifts are confined to expressing their ideas in the written word.  Today’s successful writers have to be so much more; having a talent for writing is just one of many qualities necessary to sell books and ideas in 21st century.

In order to truly do justice to this wonderful opportunity I’ve had to write  The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Low-Cost Startups, clip_image001[4]I had to admit to myself that I cannot do it alone. Last month, I proved to myself how important it is to get out of one’s cozy self-made cocoon in order to make things happen in your business.  I decided to attend a meeting of the Atlanta Bloggers Group when I read that the group’s organizer, Chad Rothschild, had put together a terrific program that included skyping in Seth Godin, prolific author and one of today’s Internet gurus.

‘Working’ a room full of strangers can be awfully intimidating. I looked around and saw two women sitting at a table who were sipping cocktails and ordering food (something about people who know how to enjoy themselves was very appealing) so I invited myself to join them. That was how I met Nan Ross, graphic designer by day, Social Media Consultant the rest of the time. Looking back, this totally random meeting seems to have been the catalyst I needed to spring into action. Instead of talking about promoting my book, I began to do the things I’d been talking about.  I followed up with Nan who has since become my Social Media Strategist. My daughter, Mlle. Butterfly has agreed to work as my virtual assistant. This week marked two momentous occasions.  First, I met and engaged a publicist, Mimi Schroeder of Max Communications.  Secondly, I had my radio debut on The Nan Ross Show last night.  It’s been quite an exciting time.

Quote for Today

“The…man took millions of dollars in ore from the mine, because he knew enough to seek expert counsel before giving up”.

~ Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

I share all this because it proves one of my essential tenets about achieving success as an entrepreneur, whether you are selling services or products. One of THE most important aspects of building a viable business is knowing when to call in the experts.  Now I know I will reach more people and make a bigger difference to others’ successes. There is still so much to do, but it all seems so much more in reach than it did a few weeks ago when, as the typical small business owner, I was trying to do everything myself.  And like Velma in the video below, I have learned that I simply cannot do it alone.

Catherine Zeta-Jones as Velma, from the film Chicago

Have a great weekend everyone.

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